Native Plant Expert to Speak at UNCW's Lumina Theatre

  • 12 Oct 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Lumina Theatre, UNCW
  • 142



Doug Tallamy, a renowned expert on insects, ecology, and a writer, will be delivering a speech on the advantages of planting native plants in urban and home settings at Lumina Theatre, located on the UNCW campus, on Saturday, October 12th. The program is set for 10 a.m., and tickets are priced at $10.00.

Tallamy has had a big impact on the movement to bring back local plants in North American landscapes. His important work shows how native plants are crucial for supporting nearby environments by fostering diversity and providing necessary resources for wildlife, especially insects. Tallamy's research demonstrates that native plants are essential for many species' survival, including pollinators and birds, because they have evolved alongside local animals for thousands of years.

One of Tallamy's most important ideas is the concept of the "Homegrown National Park," which involves people working together to create wildlife corridors by planting native plants in private and public spaces. He encourages individuals to help biodiversity by adding native plants to their yards, using less grass, and avoiding invasive species. Tallamy's books, like "Bringing Nature Home" and "Nature's Best Hope," have inspired many people to make a difference, showing that even small changes in gardening practices can have a big impact on the environment. Through his work, Tallamy has become a leading voice in promoting native plants to preserve and restore the ecological health of our communities.

Attending Tallamy's talk on October 12 will give you a great chance to learn why native plants are so important for preserving biodiversity and supporting healthy ecosystems. Tallamy is an expert in this area and a great speaker who can explain complex ecological ideas in a way that makes sense for everyday life.

You will gain a better understanding of how gardening and landscaping choices can impact the environment. Tallamy's talks show that small actions, like planting native species or reducing lawn space, can contribute to greater conservation efforts.

Tallamy’s presentations offer practical advice based on years of research, making them valuable for anyone interested in gardening, conservation, or environmental care. Additionally, Tallamy connects ecological science with personal action, leaving audiences motivated to make positive changes in their communities. Whether you're an experienced gardener, a nature enthusiast, or an environmental advocate, attending one of Tallamy’s talks can be enlightening and inspiring.

The talk is being sponsored by the Cape Fear Garden Club and the New Hanover County Extension Service. Tallamy will be available to sign copies of his book.

Parking will be available in the lot in front of the Student Fisher Center.  It will also be available in lot M and lot L on Riegel Road.  The entrance is on the left-hand side of the road.

Come visit the Native Plants Garden at New Hanover County Arboretum to see the beauty and benefits of the plants, and the insects they attract. Contact your local nursery to find a selection of native plants for your lawn and garden.


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